An Insider's Look at Mormon Culture

About Me

Ann Moulton Johnson
Ann Moulton Johnson

 Ann Moulton Johnson, world’s oldest blogger, that’s me! For some reason, I think there’s an audience in the bloggernacle for a voice that doesn’t discuss deep LDS doctrinal points or write about her cute preschoolers. I’m a published writer. Dialogue, Sunstone, Exponent II—and in a previous existence, the Ensign—have published my personal narratives, short essays and book reviews.

I grew up in the days when married women didn’t work outside the home except in a family business. I expected to marry and stay at home raising a family like my mother, aunts, and grandmothers, not to mention our neighbors in Provo and Pleasant Grove, Utah. I anticipated an exciting career as a movie star, ballerina, airline hostess or research scientist before settling into drab domesticity sometime before my 30th birthday.

First course correction: Once I met George, my dreams of a glamorous career dissipated like puffs of dandelion fluff on a spring breeze. I graduated from college with a degree in education, accepted a teaching position for a year (I thought) just to apply what I’d spent four years learning, and we married.
Religion classes at BYU convinced me that fasting and prayer would solve all problems and that it was immoral to ask your neighbor to help support your aging parents or a handicapped child.

Second course correction: Raising five children proved not all problems respond to fasting and prayer. Teaching in the public schools for twenty years—and one memorable year at a private school—convinced me that government is not necessarily an evil force. Life has a way of uprooting entrenched ideas which is a good thing—otherwise, we’d still be painting our faces blue and worshipping trees.

I now look forward to a dialogue with other women—and maybe some men— who have made or are making course corrections in their lives. I’d like to talk about life, marriage, family, church, and work.

George and I currently live in Bountiful, Utah within easy driving distance of three daughters and four grandchildren. I have written one as yet unpublished novel and am now writing about my experiences teaching at Utah State Prison–much stranger than fiction.

Links to Published Articles

“View from the East.” Sunstone. March 2011:13

“Willingness to Serve.” Sunstone. May 2009:10

“‘Real’ Stories” (review) Long After Dark by Todd Robert Petersen. Sunstone Mar. 2007

“Book Notes” (review) The Mormon Tabernacle Enquirer (ed) Christopher Bigelow. Sunstone Jun. 2007, p. 64

“Changing Faiths Gave My Sons Hope.” Dialogue Spr. 2007

Non-linked Articles
 “Give Said the Little Stream.” Sunstone. April 2008:66
“On Being a Stepchild.” Exponent II. Summer 2002

Comments on: "About Me" (9)

  1. Mary Louise Bean said:

    Ann, Thinking about marriage over the decades, I think you’re right in suggesting that we do indeed have unrealistic expectations. If we’re lucky we learn together through good communication, but almost no one I know has that skill or good luck, and so marriage marches on with its forwards and retreats, its joys and sorrows. If we are lucky and survive the years, we become old friends, more realistic, more respectful of the difficulty of two individuals making a life together, and experience the comfort of growing old together.

    Isn’t there a way for us to get more self-knowledge earlier — before marriage, say — or do hormone or phernomes, or whatever those biological smell snares are, capture us. Does it have to be trial and error?


    • Course Correction said:

      Self-knowledge? I think it takes most of us five or six decades to start getting that. No wonder so much of marriage is trial and error. Fortunately, the hormones that bring us together help us to stay together while working through difficulties.

    • Allison Rogers said:

      Is this Mary Louise Bean from Viewmont? I was writing this morning and was thinking of you. I have been writing for years now as a result of you turning my onto a love of the process. I googled your name just now and hope to get in touch with you.

      Allison Rogers
      Class of ’99

  2. I’m a Viewmont alum as well (2000). 🙂

  3. Two of Three said:

    I have been enjoying your blog for a while now. Please keep writing. It is a breath of fresh air!

  4. The Glenn Beck Review said:

    I would LOVE to have you come over to my home page this weekend and comment on the expose about Skousen. You met him; you’re more credible on this subject than many others posting comments…if you get the time. Thanks.

  5. Jessica Groves said:

    I have been reading your blog for the last few days, and I just realized that you were my ninth grade English teacher at Success Academy. I love reading your thought provoking posts about Mormonism!

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